How To Cook Cashew Chicken Stir Fry
My mom made cashew chicken so many times for dinner when I was young, the meals were so good but we were too young to comprehend the secret behind it, or maybe we were just young and spoilt. With time I developed a liking for her recipes. My most favorite was shrimp fried rice and mayonnaise garlic fried rice as she made it so quickly especially when the school bus got home earlier than expected. and This is a variation of how she cooked cashew chicken stir fry. Simple ingredients include:
1/2 pound chicken
2 bell peppers
1 tbs vinegar
1 white onion
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 Red dry chilie2
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 cup roasted cashew
1 tbsp cooking oil
1/2 cups chicken stock
Easy steps of cooking cashew chicken
This is an authentic cashew chicken recipe. Its classic and so easy to make. Best thing is to keep it simple, this is a stir fry recipe so best thing is to use a wok and if you do not have one do not worry, use any large pot or wide skillet you have in the house.
Get all the ingredients ready as this will happen real quick. Cut the bell peppers and onion into small half inch cubes. Make sure you cut the chicken same size too, you want your food to look presentable in the end.
In a high heated pan begin by browning the chicken. Ensure the pieces are well spread in the wok to avoid stewing. Give the chicken time to sear before turning it to cook on opposite side. Once this is done empty the chicken in a bowl. This is a perfect time to cook the bell peppers and onion. Add oil if needed. Cook the vegetables until they are tender but not overcooked.
At this point add in the garlic, give it a quick stir and add back the chicken. In goes the cashews too. This is a great time to add in soy sauce and vinegar. The process is simultaneous, add an ingredient stir and keep going until you are done.
I am a lover of little sauce, so I added 1/2 cups of chicken stock and gave it a few minutes to cook and am all done. Cucumber and apple goes so well with all my chicken recipes
Here is another classic recipe that you might be interested in checking out.